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Does love lead to routine?

September 21, 2017
  • Yes, eventually
  • I’m not sure
  • No, it doesn’t have to

“Love comes with a habit” – this is often the hope of two people who come together by the will of fate. Once upon the time, they’ve realized that they do not love each other and their choice was a mistake. Or one of them has realized. What is one to do in this case? To part? But their lives are linked by many factors; moreover, some simply do not want to change anything and leave everything intact. And these people continue to exist together. That is true – to exist.

Alternatively, you can call this: loneliness together. How often in the mind of these people is visited by the thought: why? After all, everything could have been different… Why do some people believe and hope that in the long run the partner whom you cannot call ‘the loved one,’ in the end, will get the feeling?

Some people are disastrously afraid of loneliness, so they associate their lives, for example, with good but not beloved people, believing that after they know a person, they will be able to love with the whole heart. Some, for example, get a misleading feeling – an illusion of love. This is especially true for women, who sometimes need so little to feel themselves in love. A good date, a few gifts and frivolous confessions – and that’s it, the woman’s soul melted.

Whatever the scenario, in this situation there can be three options. Either to endure, hoping that indeed there will be a habit, suffering and be torturing oneself with the thought that you made a fatal mistake, made the wrong choice. Or “kiss goodbye” to all the former dreams of a beautiful and eternal love. Or eventually, really fall in love with your partner and feel happy. Sometimes it happens that two people who did not know at the time the feeling of a crazy love, having lived side by side years, “grow” with each other, become a family. It’s hard for them to part. Instead, some are convinced that there is no point in wasting one’s life away. Love cannot arise over time. It either exists or does not.

So, do you agree with the statement “love comes with a habit”?

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