olive oil in bottle spices and knife diet or vegetarian food p
June 9, 2024

Today in the world a considerable number of people refused to eat meat. This position is substantiated by different reasons: condemnation of killing animals, staying in good health, trend. Such choice creates not only a change in the diet but also largely affects the lifestyle. People who gave up meat and meat products are called vegetarians. In addition to the meat, they also don’t eat fish meat because it was obtained in the process of killing. However, unlike the vegans who ultimately reject animal products, vegetarians allow consumption of dairy products and eggs.

So, are you a vegetarian?

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More in Food
September 26, 2024
Should the U.S. government ban harmful chemicals in food products that are already banned in other countries?
  • Yes, the same standards should apply globally.
  • No, current regulations are sufficient.
  • Maybe, but more research is needed to determine their harm.
  • I'm not sure; I trust food companies to make safe products.