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Is it easy for you to remain faithful to your partner?

February 17, 2018
  • Absolutely
  • Not at all
  • It’s not easy but I’ve never cheated

In the vibrant tapestry of human emotions and relationships, faithfulness stands out as a golden thread, weaving through the experiences of many. For numerous individuals, especially those in the USA, it’s a cardinal virtue – a testament to love, dedication, and trust.

Let’s take a moment to navigate through the different shades of faithfulness based on a recent poll question: “Is it easy for you to remain faithful to your partner?” The answers varied from an unwavering “Absolutely,” to a blunt “Not at all,” and an honest middle ground of “It’s not easy but I’ve never cheated.”

Absolutely – The Steadfast Lovers

Happy old couple lying in bed

For many, the notion of staying true to one’s partner is as natural as breathing. It’s a way of life. These are the individuals who, as our intro piece rightly pointed out, believe that fidelity is a talent. A talent so intrinsic that they can’t even fathom the idea of wandering eyes or a wandering heart. As famed relationship expert Dr. John Gottman once said, “Trust is built in very small moments.” For this group, these small moments have cemented a foundation of unwavering trust.

Fun Fact: According to a study from the Journal of Marriage and Family, couples who reported high levels of satisfaction in their relationship were 3.5 times more likely to remain faithful than those in unsatisfying relationships.

Not at all – The Challengers

On the opposite spectrum, we have those who find it genuinely challenging to remain faithful. Whether it’s due to the exciting thrill of something new or a deeper underlying issue, it’s a fact that some individuals find monogamy tough. As Oscar Wilde famously quipped, “I can resist everything except temptation.” While humor aside, it’s crucial to understand that this doesn’t always equate to a lack of love. Sometimes, it’s more about personal battles and understanding oneself.

Did You Know?: A report from the Archives of Sexual Behavior showed that people with a higher IQ are more likely to value monogamy and marital fidelity.

man looking at women from the distance at the beach

It’s not easy but I’ve never cheated – The Struggling Warriors

Walking the middle path are those who admit that while fidelity doesn’t come naturally to them, they’ve never acted on their temptations. They are in a constant tug-of-war between their feelings and their commitments. As the great Maya Angelou said, “You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them.” These are the folks who take this mantra to heart, continuously choosing their relationship over fleeting emotions.

Here’s a Curious Stat: The American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy reported that about 45% of men and 35% of women admit to feeling emotional infidelity at some point. However, a much smaller percentage act on these feelings.

But what leads someone to pick any of these answers? It’s a blend of personal experiences, upbringing, societal influences, and individual choices. Remember the earlier thoughts on how, for some, love eliminates double morals? That’s the sentiment many hold on to. But, on the flip side, there are those for whom even passionate love doesn’t deter their gaze elsewhere.

It’s an age-old adage that variety is the spice of life. Yet, as the initial text suggested, true novelty, a refreshing zest, emerges when one remains faithful to a single partner. It’s akin to diving deeper into an ocean, finding new treasures with each layer, rather than skimming the surface of many.

Yet, the world is not merely black and white. Emotions, desires, and choices create a spectrum of colors. It’s important to note that forgiveness and understanding play pivotal roles. After all, every relationship is unique, and while betrayal is painful, understanding the ‘why’ behind actions can sometimes bring healing.


In the end, faithfulness, in love, friendship, and family, remains a cornerstone for many. It’s that intangible quality felt deep within the heart, shaping our relationships and, by extension, our happiness. Whether you find fidelity easy or challenging, understanding and communication remain key.

Now, with these insights in mind, where do you stand on the faithfulness spectrum? Your answer could well be the window into the very essence of your relationships.

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