couple playing video games

Can you call your significant other a true friend?

February 17, 2018
  • Absolutely
  • No, but it’s okay
  • No, and I wish we were

Love and friendship, the peanut butter and jelly of human emotions. Both equally delicious, and when combined, well… magic happens! When it comes to our significant others, how many of us can confidently say they also wear the cap of a ‘true friend’? Let’s break it down.

“Absolutely” – The Rom-Com Reality

Cozy couple on a couch, laughing, with popcorn scattered depicted in a vibrant watercolor style

For those who answer “Absolutely”, their relationship might remind you of those rom-com couples who banter over breakfast, share embarrassing stories, and lend a shoulder to cry on. If you’re in this camp, your significant other might be the one you share memes with, binge-watch shows, or even spend hours debating if a hot dog is a sandwich (we won’t settle that here!).

Dr. Jane Adams, a renowned relationship expert, once said, “The foundation of a strong romantic relationship is a deep-rooted friendship.” It seems many agree. In fact, a survey showed that 68% of happy couples in the USA claimed their partner was also their best friend. That’s more than half! The beauty of this dynamic? Comfort, understanding, and the freedom to be your most authentic self.

“No, but it’s okay” – Complementary Colors

Here’s a fun fact: Not all colors in the spectrum might be best friends, but they sure can complement each other when put side by side. Similarly, some relationships thrive on differences. They find their strength in the unique roles they play in each other’s lives

selfie couple outside in the central park during fall

If you’ve opted for “No, but it’s okay”, it could be because your significant other is your rock, your advisor, or even your personal chef (lucky you!). They might not be the person you go on road trips with or indulge in midnight snacks, but they fill a vital role that no one else can. After all, isn’t variety the spice of life?

Mark Twain once quipped, “Love is when you find someone who complements your insanity, not mirrors it.” For these couples, it’s about balance. It’s like having a plate of nachos; you need the spicy jalapeños (that’s them) to balance out the cheesy goodness (that’s you).

“No, and I wish we were” – The Tango of Unmet Desires

Ah, the complexities of longing for something more. Choosing this answer is a call to the universe, echoing the desire to have your partner double up as your gossip buddy, your gaming partner, or just someone to complain about the weather with.

Elegant couple dancing a passionate tango

There’s a beautiful vulnerability in admitting this wish. A study showed that 40% of Americans wish they shared more hobbies or interests with their significant other. So, if you’re nodding in agreement, you’re not alone in the crowd.

Oscar Wilde, with his usual wit, once said, “Friendship is far more tragic than love. It lasts longer.” Maybe for some, the hope is that integrating friendship into the mix might just be the secret sauce to longevity in love.

Sprinkles of Curiosity

Now, just for the fun of it, let’s sprinkle in some curious stats:

  • On average, Americans have about nine close friends, but only 29% consider their romantic partner to be one of them.
  • A quirky survey found that 52% of Americans would rather tell a secret to their best friend than their significant other. What’s cooking, folks?
  • While the concept of “love at first sight” is romanticized, “friendship at first interaction” is more common, with 65% of people claiming they became fast friends with someone upon meeting them.

Wrapping it up…

Whether your significant other is your confidante, your polar opposite, or somewhere in between, the beauty lies in the diversity of relationship dynamics. As America is a melting pot of cultures, so too are our relationships—a fusion of love, friendship, and everything in between.

To some, their partner is the ‘Monica’ to their ‘Chandler’, while others might be living the ‘Jack’ and ‘Rose’ saga (minus the iceberg, hopefully). Every narrative is unique, every dynamic special. So, next time you’re lounging on your couch, pondering life’s big questions, remember to appreciate the flavor your significant other brings to the table—even if it’s not sprinkled with the salt of friendship.

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