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Would a parent’s opinion matter when it came to marrying your significant other?

February 18, 2018
  • Yes, it’d be crucial
  • Maybe, but the final decision would still be my own
  • No, it’d be my own decision regardless of what my parent believed

Marriage: a union of two souls, two families, and, occasionally, two wildly varying opinions. For many Americans, the decision to tie the knot not only involves the couple but also a panel of opinionated judges—parents! So, when the question arises, “Would a parent’s opinion matter when it came to marrying your significant other?” the answers can range from a hard “yes” to a confident “no”, with a sprinkle of “maybe” in between.

“Yes, it’d be crucial”

A middle age couple looking into distance

Let’s dive deep into why some believe parental opinions in marriage matters the most. History lesson first—did you know that up until the 18th century, arranged marriages were the norm in Western societies? It was believed that families, and not individuals, should make matrimonial decisions because they could objectively assess the socio-economic benefits.

Fast forward to the 21st century, many still uphold this belief, albeit for different reasons. Sarah, a 28-year-old from Minneapolis, says, “I trust my parents. They’ve been married for 30 years! If they see something I don’t, I’d definitely take it into consideration.”

Statistically speaking, a study from the University of California found that 35% of couples felt that parental approval positively influenced the longevity and happiness of their marriage. Sometimes, experience does trump youthful optimism.

Reasons to opt for this choice:

  • Cultural or familial traditions emphasize the importance of parental blessings.
  • Parents, with their wealth of life experiences, might offer a unique perspective.
  • For many, the familial bond is so strong that making a life-altering decision without parents’ input seems incomplete.

A modern-day setting at a crossroads. The couple stands at the center, contemplating which path to take

“Maybe, but the final decision would still be my own”

Venturing into the “maybe” zone, many individuals respect their parents’ insights but ultimately prioritize personal choice. It’s like treating parental opinions as a Yelp review—it’s nice to have a 5-star rating, but sometimes you still want to try that 3-star taco joint because…why not?

Jackie Kennedy once remarked, “Marriage comes with many challenges. While it’s great to get advice from our parents, every couple is unique and only they can truly decide what’s best for them.”

Indeed, in the realm of marital decisions, some statistics show a balance. A Pew Research study found that while 63% of Americans believe parents’ approval is vital, 37% feel it’s the couple’s sole prerogative.

Reasons to meander this middle path:

  • A wish to strike a balance between tradition and personal autonomy.
  • Recognizing that while parents mean well, generational differences might skew perspectives.
  • Sometimes, a gut feeling says, “I got this!” but also, “Mom, Dad, a little help?”

“No, it’d be my own decision regardless of what my parent believed.”

On the other end of the spectrum, some firmly believe in steering their marital ship solo, without parental GPS. The age of individualism, combined with the classic American spirit of independence, has many chanting, “My life, my rules!”

Emma Goldman, a renowned writer, once said, “Love needs no protection; it wants the right to its own expression, to grow with the growth of the human soul.”

Interestingly, a recent survey from the American Sociological Review indicated that 58% of millennials believed that while parents should be informed, their marital decisions should remain untouched by parental biases or opinions.

Reasons to keep the decision strictly personal:

  • Prioritizing personal growth and independence.
  • Past experiences may have taught the individual to rely on their judgment.
  • Every love story is unique, and some believe that external opinions might dilute its authenticity.

In the vast landscape of love and marriage, the United States presents a mosaic of opinions, influenced by a blend of tradition, culture, and personal experiences. From the streets of New York to the valleys of Colorado, each individual, each couple, has a unique tale to tell about parental opinions and their role (or lack thereof) in the decision to say, “I do.”

While some might argue that marriage is a private affair between two hearts, others emphasize the unity of two families. And then there’s the middle ground, where love stories are penned with a mix of autonomy and ancestral wisdom.

So, as you stand at the crossroads of love, pondering parental opinions, remember—it’s your story. Whether you seek parental guidance, nod politely and move on, or forge ahead with just your heart as the compass, America’s rich tapestry of love tales has room for them all. Happy deciding!

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