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Is marriage truly a pact for life?

October 4, 2016
  • Absolutely, “til death do us part” isn’t declared in vain
  • Only between soul mates
  • Sounds good on paper, but like most other things, I think it has an expiration date
  • I refuse to answer on the grounds it may incriminate me

To get married is no great difficulty: people fall in love, build far-sighted plans, apply to the registry office, and swear to one another allegiances in love until the last breath. 

However, time passes, and the vast majority of couples face realities of life, the first financial difficulties, misunderstandings, etc. Marriage forever is fine, sure. Still, some people are skeptical about the fact that marriage can and should be concluded only once in a lifetime. This, above all, is because people change throughout life, so you should not be surprised that in a year or two you will no longer recognize the person you married. In addition, love usually dims: the passion becomes duller, a person begins to notice the earlier unrecognized vices of their chosen one. In view of this, divorces are rather common and not condemned in the modern world, as was the case before. It is also not a problem to re-marry if a person you love happens to cross your life. 

Alternatively, some people believe that marriage is something that happens once and for all. No wonder that from the religious point of view it is emphasized that every marriage is made in heaven. Given this, marriage is a conscious and purposeful choice of an adult and responsible person who must be aware of all the advantages and disadvantages of his or her choice. Besides, most of the problems facing a couple in a married life can be solved, and it is not necessary to immediately apply for divorce. Moreover, true love with absolute trust and mutual understanding grows with years of cooperation for the good of the love and happiness of the couple. 

So, do you agree that marriage should be for life?

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