June 20, 2024

How easy do you move up the ranks?

  • It's usually easy for me
  • It varies
  • For one reason or another, it is very difficult to move on, this is a slow and long process
  • I stay in one place, and this suits me
  • I don't have a job

Promotion involves moving an employee within the company from one job to another, more important and responsible and, as a rule, with a higher salary. Often, a new job has a higher status and is accompanied by additional benefits and privileges. 

The purpose of promotion is to boost the usage and motivation of the employee. The company’s policy of promotion of personnel, as a rule, helps to increase the moral satisfaction of employees who received the promotion. 

How fast you move up the career ladder and the ranks depends on many factors. It is your relationship with the boss, and the specifics of the work, and the particular features of the organization in which you work. However, in today’s conditions, to a large extent, the level of your career ladder depends, above all, on your personal knowledge, skills, expertise, and talents. Sociability, purposefulness, discipline, efficiency, punctuality and even astuteness – these are the real keys to not lag behind for years at the same place.

So, how easy do you move up the ranks?

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