Thoughtful businessman

Any person usually sets themselves a goal which, after realization, means success in their task. In most cases, success brings a person a sense of euphoria, happiness, pleasure. On the one hand, to succeed means to hone up your skills and talents, to make sure that you’re still can do something and worth something. To succeed means to prove to yourself and others that your attempts weren’t in vain and your efforts are now rated on its merit. On the other hand, in life, there are cases when, having reached the success, a person does not feel satisfied. Although they’ve achieved the set goal, this achievement does not bring the expected emotional excitement and happiness. This usually happens when a person succeeds unfairly. For example, presenting the efforts of others as own achievement. Or doing something that is not quite right or just. Have you come across such situations in life?

Have you ever succeeded without feeling satisfied?

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