bedroom unmade bed
June 9, 2024

Who in your relationship usually makes the bed in the morning?

  • She does
  • He does
  • We fix it together
  • No one
  • We don’t sleep in the same bed

The relationship with the opposite sex, especially if you live together and spend a lot of time together, usually involves at least the minimal duties. Often these responsibilities are divided, for example, someone washes dishes, someone – the floor, someone cooks, etc. The same applies to the bed. Waking up in the morning, usually raises the question: which one of you two will make the bed? Some really dislike to make the bed and do not do it. Why? Tomorrow morning it will still be the same. Some couples make the bed together. While for some couples this is even part of the duties, kind of. Recall your relationship with your second half. Who makes your bed in the morning?

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