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Would you call your marriage stable?

March 28, 2018
  • Yes, I’m very fortunate
  • I wouldn’t say all that, but we get along well
  • Not at all
  • I’m not married

When you walk down the aisle, exchange vows, and say your ‘I dos’, there’s often an overwhelming feeling of love and commitment. But fast forward a few years (or decades), and where does the stability in that marriage stand? Some may say they’ve hit the jackpot, while others might be navigating through rough seas. This brings us to a pertinent question: would you call your marriage stable?

Now, that’s a loaded question, right? But don’t worry, it’s meant to be a fun introspection rather than a heavy existential query. Besides, everyone’s definition of stability varies just like a piece of apple pie might mean ‘American Dream’ for some and just ‘dessert’ for others. Speaking of which, did you know that 36% of Americans consider pie more comforting than a partner? But I digress.

1. “Yes, I’m very fortunate”

This answer is like that couple that brings homemade cookies to every neighborhood gathering. They’ve found a rhythm that works for them and they’re sticking to it.

“A successful marriage requires falling in love many times, always with the same person,”

Mignon McLaughlin. And those who find themselves fortunate in their marriages have mastered this art.

Reasons to pick this:

  • You feel that your partner truly gets you and vice versa.
  • Every major obstacle is treated as a team challenge, not as a blame game.
  • Your favorite love song still reminds you of your partner, even after all these years.

2. “I wouldn’t say all that, but we get along well”

Let’s get real. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows. Sometimes it’s more like light drizzle and a faint rainbow that you can’t quite capture on camera. These couples have found a mutual understanding. They know their partner’s quirks, accept them, and know how to pick their battles.

“The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret” 

– quipped Henny Youngman. Perhaps, this middle-ground stability is what he was hinting at.

Reasons to pick this:

  • You’ve had your fair share of disagreements but you also have some beautiful memories together.
  • There might be days when you feel out of sync, but then there are moments where a simple gesture warms your heart.
  • Netflix and chill? More like Netflix and… let’s debate for 30 minutes about what to watch.

3. “Not at all”

This answer is the reality check. It’s like admitting that you burnt the Thanksgiving turkey, but hey, at least the cranberry sauce turned out okay. Marriages, like any relationship, can face turbulence. The U.S. divorce rate, floating around 40-50%, attests to the fact that not every marriage sails smoothly.

Oscar Wilde once remarked, “The world has grown suspicious of anything that looks like a happily married life.” Sometimes, the institution might feel more binding than binding love.

Reasons to pick this:

  • Your differences with your partner often eclipse the similarities.
  • Communication is more strained than a colander draining pasta.
  • Date nights might feel more obligatory than spontaneous.

4. “I’m not married”

A toast to all the singletons and those who prefer their own company or the occasional company of others without the tag of marriage. Just for the record, around 50% of Americans are single, so if you’re in this boat, it’s a pretty big one. And as Jean-Paul Sartre claimed, “If you’re lonely when you’re alone, you’re in bad company.”

In Conclusion: Tying the Knot on Our Discussion

We’ve unraveled the threads of marital stability, traversed through its nuances, and mused on the flavorful slices of relationship pies. Now, it’s your turn to tie the knot on this discourse.

Do you find resonance with any of these perspectives? Whether you’re reveling in the harmonious dance of marital bliss, finding your footing on the shifting sands of partnership, or cherishing the tunes of singlehood, each narrative adds a distinct shade to the canvas of life.

We warmly invite you to cast your vote in this poll. After all, your experiences, joys, challenges, and insights will add richness to the broader conversation. And don’t be shy; drop your thoughts, anecdotes, and reflections in the comments. It’s always enlightening to share and learn from the myriad journeys of fellow readers.

Lastly, don’t forget to check out the stats on this poll. It’s intriguing to see where you stand amidst the collective, and who knows, you might find some delightful surprises! Until next time, keep enjoying the many slices of life – both in pies and relationships. 🥧💌

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