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How many children do you have?

March 28, 2017
  • None and I’d like to keep it that way
  • Zero, but I plan to have children in the future
  • One
  • Two
  • Three
  • Four
  • Five
  • Six
  • Seven or more

In fact, people rarely have the question “Why do we need children?” Usually, it is a question like: “Do we want a child?” or “Are we ready to have a child?” But even those who believe that children and the family are the main things in life, rarely ask themselves why do they need it all. 

True, some people have quite pragmatic motives: to tie their chosen one, to solve certain health problems, to stop the pressure of their own family, to conform to their surroundings. And even when future parents carefully considered, weighed everything and concluded that they are ready for the child and both want a baby, one way or another, they are largely moved by selfish motives. For example, the continuation of the family, the strengthening of relationships and the solution of family difficulties, self-affirmation in the new status of parents, the embodiment in the child of what they failed to accomplish in their lives, etc.

Some are convinced that children are the foundation of the family, an indispensable and inalienable attribute of marriage. A significant number of people agree that children are true happiness and even the mission and purpose of a person in this world. Obviously, the most important goal of parenthood is to open our world to a new person. That is, not to solve some personal problems but let the child live and be happy, discovering the surrounding world.

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