Man eating pizza having a takeaway at home
June 9, 2024

Is it okay if the wife earns more than the husband?

  • Yes, I see no issues with this scenario
  • I think it’s best if both partners earn relatively the same
  • It’s only okay if the husband is incapacitated and unable to work
  • It’s not okay

Usually, men are terrible singletons. They want to lead and be the first. However, it sometimes happens that in some couples, the wife is more successful than her husband and, accordingly, she earns more money. 

From the time of Rosa Luxemburg, women began to climb the social stairs confidently. In the modern world, thanks to perseverance and diligence, women often become successful business figures or hold high positions in state bodies. In this situation, the problem lies in the fact that a man is raised from a child to be a leader who must provide the family, that is, his word must always be the last. But it is difficult to do so when his wife surpasses him in career and income. Often, the self-esteem of such men is undermined by the fact that they consider themselves to be “spongers” or “losers.” As a rule, when a woman reaches a certain height in her career, she begins to dominate at home, whereas men do not like someone starting to press on them and teach them. 

It also happens that a woman, having achieved success, ceases to respect her husband: she wants him to be more determined, successful, and wealthy. Naturally, all this leads to misunderstandings and conflicts. 

However, some couples are quite comfortable and calm when a woman is more successful and earns better than her husband does. It does not cause quarrels. 

So, what do you think about a situation when a wife earns more than a husband?

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