housewife woman in laundry room with washing machine
June 2, 2024

Do you consider yourself a good housewife?

  • Yes, of course, I always keep the home cozy, comfortable and clean, my family is happy with our daily life
  • 50/50, depends on the mood, but I'm working on it, trying to do my best, although it is not always possible
  • No, it's not about me

Ideal management is usually associated with the stereotype of a “woman housewife,” who spends all her time cleaning, cooking, washing and, as a rule, taking care of children and her husband. In spite of this, a good housewife can be either a woman who has fully devoted herself to work at home or the one who has a full-time job. 

Obviously, these real housewives are not born this way, they become so due to the keen desire to make the home cozier, the dinner – more tasty, and the joint evenings at home – unforgettable. The main symptom of a woman’s housewife skills is the ability to combine life and her troubles to create a coziness while remaining a well-developed personality that does not forget about oneself. A good housewife would have a house in perfect order, as well as herself, her husband and children. 

A good housewife is a guardian of home and family. She tries to solve all misunderstandings, find compromises, and pay attention to the needs of her children and her husband. In the case of a sudden arrival of guests, a good housewife will be able to prepare a small but delicious dinner quickly. She regularly monitors the cleanliness of the home and can “capture” all members of the family into the home cleaning. She is irritated by the sight of unwashed dishes, and her hands are itching to clean the kitchen. A good housewife always knows exactly where things lie, even if she has not used them for a long time. She gets pleasure from creating an enjoyable atmosphere and making the home exactly the place one wants to return to every night. 

So, do you consider yourself a good housewife?

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