June 26, 2024

Practicability is the ability to solve complex problems easily, capacity to understand the practical, common life-related affairs, be able to solve domestic tasks, to show initiative and business efficiency, putting result-driven practices in the first place of own actions. In view of this, practicality appears as the ability to be effective and prosperous. Prosperity is the basis of practicality. People, striving for prosperity, attempt to be practical not only in the financial sphere but also in health, relationships with people, a satisfaction of physiological, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs. Practical people are those who, above all, are actively seeking respected, practical knowledge, which allows solving complex problems. Knowing the cause-effect relations and interconnections between different phenomena and processes, one can easily cope with the difficulties of life. In this case, you just need to know which “thread” should be pulled to make the complex problem open up and become clearer. In other words, practicality is the knowledge that answers the question of what to pull, what to push, where to hit, to achieve the result. 

So, can you call yourself a practical person?

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