Visionary genius business man riding jet rocket
June 17, 2024

Are you entrepreneurial?

  • Absolutely. I have, or am planning to run my own business
  • Yes, but I’m not planning to own or run a business
  • No

In modern society, one of the most popular and highly paid jobs is the work of an entrepreneur. In general, many people are engaged in entrepreneurial activities. They all are different in character, habits, values, way of thinking, etc. However, they all have some common features that make it possible to draw a general portrait of an entrepreneur, with particular characteristics and motivation. Modern psychologists and sociologists believe that no more than 5-7% of the population can become successful entrepreneurs. Only this insignificant percentage of people has the qualities necessary for entrepreneurship: purposefulness, activity, organizational skills, entrepreneurial talent. Among the psychological characteristics, the following are important for an entrepreneur: the presence of a creative mind and the desire for novelty and independence, the desire to achieve a certain result. 

The entrepreneur of the Western type is, first and foremost, an innovator, reformer and revolutionary in the methods of production. The limitation of the business society is largely due to the fact that not all people are willing to risk, exposing their personal assets and finances. A large number of people choose a calm, standard life and employment with a decent wage. Also, many people are stopped by the fact that not all entrepreneurs are successful. 

So, are you inclined to entrepreneurship?

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