June 27, 2024

What do you think about the mass anti-government protests in the UK?

  • I support it, the current Conservative government does not implement the policy that the British demand
  • I have nothing against it, but there just were the Parliamentary elections in the country, the British were able to make another choice
  • I don't support it, this is yet another manifestation of dissatisfaction, which is caused by domestic and external events in the country, and is temporary
  • I don't care
  • Difficult to say

In early July 2017, thousands of people gathered in central London to express their dissatisfaction with the economic policy of the British government. In particular, the protest was organized by a group of activists opposed to the policy of tight budget savings, which is being conducted by the Conservative government headed by Prime Minister T. May. The leader of the opposition Labor Party Jeremy Corbin took part in the rally, speaking to the demonstrators. He noted that the government of Tories, the policy of rigid economy and economic arguments of the current budget policy are retreating.

Instead, those who are struggling for social justice, for unity, for people joining against racism are those who move forward. Those present at the event chanted: “Oy Jeremy Corbin!” and “Tory, out.” Participants of the demonstration are convinced that what is happening in the country means that the Tory government cannot handle its responsibilities. The protesters expressed resentment that the Conservatives cut down on vital services and support a policy of tight savings, cuts, and privatization.

So, what do you think about the mass anti-government protests in the UK?

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