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June 16, 2024

What’s the deal with energy drinks?

  • I think they’re fine when taken in moderation
  • Stay away, they’re bad for your health
  • Many are unhealthy, but some are okay in moderation
  • Most are harmless, but some pose a legitimate threat to health

At present, a large number of people use energy drinks. Mainly they are teenagers and young people. But adults are no exception either: from time to time, they use energy drinks justifying this by the fact that coffee and strong green tea does not work for them anymore. Adolescents used to reckon, for example, that energy shots are cool and trendy. On the one hand, energy drinks seem to add strength and energy – so you will do everything at once. And teenagers drink: with friends, at parties, even during physical exercises, awaiting the expected boost of energy. Moreover, they say, it is a natural stimulant. And people used to consume natural stimulants since ancient times – and nothing bad happened to them. Similarly, they say, strong tea or coffee are natural, too. On the other hand, there is an opposite opinion, whose supporters argue that energy drinks are composed of drugs that cause addiction and dependence. This is beneficial to the manufacturer, for this product to be bought.

So how do you think – are energy drinks healthy or dangerous?

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Should the U.S. government ban harmful chemicals in food products that are already banned in other countries?
  • Yes, the same standards should apply globally.
  • No, current regulations are sufficient.
  • Maybe, but more research is needed to determine their harm.
  • I'm not sure; I trust food companies to make safe products.
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  • Yes, they should face stricter regulations and penalties for endangering public health.
  • No, it's up to consumers to make informed choices about what they eat.
  • Yes, but only if the harmful ingredients are proven to directly cause health issues.
  • No, as long as the products meet current U.S. standards, the companies should not be penalized.