mother, daughter and son in law
June 18, 2024

Does your significant other have a good relationship with your parents?

  • Yes
  • Somewhat
  • No
  • A relationship isn’t possible for a few reasons

When a girl marries, she starts her own family. A man, own home, and sometimes even a pet, as an extra. And every so often your home is visited by your parents who want to advise, to help… Sometimes there are misunderstandings. Sounds familiar? After the wedding, a girl often may say that the relationship between her husband (son-in-law) and mother (mother-in-law) is poor. That mother-in-law constantly criticizes son-in-law saying that he is the unworthy party for her daughter, he earns insufficient money or is so lazy that does not wash the dishes after himself. Daughter “collects the points” for her reckless choice. In this case, the dream of a family idyll seems unattainable. Instead of an idyll, there is confusion, arguments, frustration. When will it end?! Why some people have such a relations that mother-in-law and son-in-law get along well together? Son-in-law buys flowers to “mother,” and she bakes him delicious pies. In this case, we can talk about family idyll and absolute harmony with full confidence. What kind of situation you have in your family? How good is the relationship between your husband and your mother?

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