mother sleeping with child light
June 20, 2024

Is your child allowed to sleep in your bed?

  • No
  • Occasionally
  • Yes, whenever he or she wants to
  • AlwaysI don’t have a child

With the birth of a child in the family, as a rule, everything changes, there are naturally many questions, particularly concerning child care and education. From the first days of life, mother is usually next to us. She feeds us, guards our sleep. Some mothers put the baby to sleep close nearby because most children generally express dissatisfaction when put in a separate bed away from the mother. This dissatisfaction is demonstrated in the form of weeping and cries that sound like a protest and result in poor sleep at night. It also happens that the mother starts to teach baby to sleep alone from the very first days of life. Some babies tend to put up with the will of the parents: they get accustomed to sleeping in their crib. Some children sleep apart already within a week while some require months and even years to start sleeping separately from the mother.

And how is the situation with you? Does your child want to sleep with you in bed at night?

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