parents and child

Which parent spends more time with your children?

December 18, 2016
  • Father
  • Mother

When a child or children appear in a family, parents dedicate much of their time to them. In most cases, the parents (mother and father) cannot spend equal amounts of time with the child. For example, one of them works to make money. And oftentimes both have to work. In this case, the children are cared for by grandparents, or alternatively, parents hire a nanny who cares for the children during the time they are at work. Or simply they take a child to kindergarten, where the kid will be looked after. In most families it is a mother who spends more time with a child: until the child reaches a certain age, she stays at home and devotes herself to education and childcare. In other cases, it is a father who gives children more time. Each family has its own way. And what is the situation in your family? Who spends more time with children, mom or dad?

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