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Which is your primary gaming platform?

December 10, 2016
  • PC
  • PlayStation
  • Xbox
  • Nintendo Switch
  • Mobile (smartphone/tablet)
  • Other (in the comments)

Gaming Platforms: Choose Your Weapon!

In today’s digital age, the question isn’t if you game, but where? The gaming realm has transformed from pixelated Pong in the 1970s to immersive virtual worlds of the 21st century. And with so many platforms to play on, one can’t help but wonder: what’s the main stage for gamers in the USA today?

Let’s dive into each of the choices from our recent poll and understand why they might be the weapon – er, platform – of choice for many.

PC: The Powerhouse Player

“A PC is not just a gaming device; it’s a gateway to countless worlds.” – Valve Corporation co-founder Gabe Newell.

PC gaming has long been a favorite for many, and it’s easy to see why:

  • Customization: One of the biggest draws to PC gaming is the freedom to upgrade and customize. Want more RAM? Go for it. Need a more powerful graphics card? Slide it in.
  • Variety: Steam, Epic Games Store, and other platforms host a vast number of games, from indie titles to AAA releases.
  • Mods: Ever wanted to see a dragon in the world of Grand Theft Auto? With PC mods, dreams become reality.

However, it’s not just all high frames and expansive game libraries. Maintaining and updating a PC to keep up with game demands can be taxing for some.

PlayStation: The Exclusive Enthusiast

“Greatness awaits.” – PlayStation’s tagline and also a nod to its commitment to high-quality exclusive titles.

Sony’s PlayStation has been a beloved console for decades:

  • Exclusives: With titles like “The Last of Us,” “God of War,” and “Uncharted,” PlayStation often has games that aren’t available anywhere else.
  • Performance: With robust hardware, PlayStation delivers smooth and vivid graphics, creating an immersive experience.
  • VR Integration: PS VR offers players a doorway into the world of virtual reality gaming without needing an entirely separate device.

Still, while the PlayStation has a loyal fanbase, it’s not always the first choice for those who favor the perks of other platforms.

Xbox: The Community Connector

“When everybody plays, we all win.” – Phil Spencer, Head of Xbox.

Microsoft’s Xbox is more than just a gaming console:

  • Xbox Game Pass: Get access to hundreds of titles for a monthly fee. It’s like Netflix, but for games.
  • Cross-Play: Playing with friends is fun. Playing with ALL your friends, regardless of their gaming device? Even better.
  • Backward Compatibility: Relive classics from previous Xbox generations on the newest console.

Despite its many perks, some gamers lean towards other consoles due to exclusive titles or other platform-specific advantages.

Nintendo Switch: The Versatile Voyager

“Above all, video games are meant to be just one thing: Fun. Fun for everyone.” – Satoru Iwata, former President of Nintendo.

Nintendo Switch hits a unique sweet spot:

  • Portability: Play on your TV. Play on a plane. Play in bed. The world is your gaming oyster.
  • Exclusive Titles: With games like “The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild” and “Super Mario Odyssey,” the Switch offers experiences found nowhere else.
  • Joy-Cons: These little wonders offer versatile gameplay experiences, from traditional button mashing to motion-controlled adventures.

However, the Switch might not satiate those hungry for the graphical prowess of other systems.

Mobile (smartphone/tablet): The On-the-Go Gamer

Did you know that, as of 2020, 60% of Americans played mobile games daily?

  • Accessibility: Got a phone? You’ve got games. The barrier to entry is almost nonexistent.
  • Variety: From puzzles to RPGs, app stores are brimming with countless game genres.
  • Quick Sessions: Waiting for a coffee? Perfect time for a game or two.

However, dedicated gamers might find the mobile experience less satisfying than that of dedicated gaming devices.

Other: The Wild Cards

The “Other” category is like the “mystery flavor” in a candy bag, from VR setups to classic arcade cabinets. It could be anything, but it’s bound to be interesting!


In the USA, the gaming palette is as diverse as its landscapes. From coast to coast, players are lighting up screens, diving into worlds, and taking on challenges on their platforms of choice. While our poll aims to discover the reigning champion, the truth is that every platform offers its own unique flavor in the grand gaming feast.

So, whether you’re a PC perfectionist, a PlayStation pro, an Xbox expert, a Switch savant, a mobile master, or an “Other” outlier, happy gaming! And may your frame rates be ever in your favor. 😉🎮

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