June 13, 2024

They say, the animals are our smaller friends, you’ll never feel sad or lonely with them. Perhaps this is why almost all of us at least once in a lifetime have pets, fish, squirrels, parrots, etc. But the most common pets are cats and dogs. And somehow it turned out that there are almost no people indifferent to them: everyone likes either cats or dogs. So if you love cats, you usually do not like dogs. And vice versa. Although, of course, it is not axiomatic. These two categories of people always argue about the question “Who is better: cats or dogs?”. Lovers of cats claim that cats are more gentle, like the warmth of the master and become attached to the house. Dog lovers, in turn, stress that their animals are more intelligent, loyal and reliable; also, dogs can save human lives. It seems that the dispute is never-ending… And what do you reckon – who is better, cats or dogs?

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