family in house planning with daughter
June 11, 2024

If you had to choose between family or wealth, which sounds more appealing?

  • I’d rather be poor with a loving family
  • Show me the money! I’d live out the rest of my days as a single millionaire

In the representations of life, and in the academic literature, the notion of a family is often equated to the concept of marriage, so some people believe that these are synonyms as they have a common general meaning. Also, both marriage and the family characterize the relationship between representatives of different genders as embodied in specific social institutions. In addition, both marriage and the family in most cases mean the birth and upbringing of children. 

Alternatively, some are convinced that these are different concepts, though closely connected: in particular, marriage helps to build a more balanced relationship between spouses. Marriage is an institution that allows people to have a family life, an alliance that generates legal rights and responsibilities between spouses. In turn, the family is a deeper concept, because it is not only a circle of people who are bound by the rights and obligations arising from the registered marriage but also personal, intimate relationships that are not subject to legal regulation. Also, the family unites not only spouses and their children, but also other relatives. 

So, do you differentiate between marriage and family?

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