Competition of boyfriends, polygamy, infidelity, party
June 25, 2024

Is it wrong for a mother to have multiple baby-daddies?

  • Yes, for one or more reasons
  • Only in certain circumstances
  • No, who am I to judge?

In a modern world where divorce is quite normal, it is not uncommon for a person who has children to remarry. That is, there is a situation where, for example, a woman who is a mother marries a man who is essentially a completely alien to these children, although formally he replaces the children the biological father by becoming a stepfather. In a new marriage, within a new family, there may be new children who, accordingly, will become half-brothers or -sisters to children from the previous marriage. The attitude to women who gave birth to children from different men is ambiguous. Some people believe that this is simply one of the possible life situations, so a woman, in this case, cannot be judged. After all, who knows why her life turned out this way and not any other? Perhaps she fell in love with another person and decided to build a new family? We judge whether this is normal based on the stereotypes of the society we live in. 

That is, referring to religion, certain moral canons, and principles, etc., some people have an extremely negative attitude to the possibility of having children with different fathers. Some are wary of such women, arguing their position by that a woman who has children from different men, for example, cannot build relationships with people, does not protect herself during intercourse, is frivolous, and so on. 

So, what do you think about the birth of children from different men?

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