July 1, 2024

Did CNN’s debate setup help one candidate look better?

  • Yes, it helped President Joe Biden look better.
  • Yes, it helped former President Donald Trump look better.
  • No, the debate setup was impartial.
  • I'm not sure.

The first debate of the 2024 election season between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump was closely watched by millions. While the debate itself was full of heated exchanges and strong arguments, some viewers questioned whether CNN’s organization of the event was impartial.

One notable point of contention was the debate setup, which often allowed President Biden to have the last word on various questions and before commercial breaks. This led to speculation that the format might have favored Biden, giving him an edge in terms of final impressions on key topics.

Critics argue that having the last word can leave a lasting impact on viewers, potentially swaying opinions. They suggest that CNN’s debate structure might have unintentionally or otherwise given Biden an advantage. On the other hand, supporters of the format believe it was a fair approach and that both candidates had ample opportunity to present their views.

Given these differing opinions, it’s essential to gather public sentiment on this issue. By participating in the poll on, you can help determine whether the debate setup truly influenced perceptions. Your vote contributes to a broader understanding of public opinion on this important topic.

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